Microbial Ecology (BIOL 433/533). This course explores the biology, behavior, and function of microorganisms in their natural environment with attention to their role in ecologically and environmentally significant processes.
General Bacteriology (BIOL 412). This course explores the biology of microorganisms with special focus on the structure, metabolism, genetics, diversity and evolution. We will use these principles to investigate the roles of microbes in environmental processes and disease. Bioinformatics (BIOL480/580). This course explores the computational skills used to interpret data in biology. We will undertake a voyage through the basic types of data and algorithms used in bioinformatic tools. Students will learn to sort, generate, manipulate and analyze genetic and other complex biological data. Research experiences for course credit: - Directed study (BIOL499) - Honors Thesis (BIOL499) Visit our department website and CGLab opportunities for more information and contact me if interested! Marine Microbiology (BIOL 418) - Coming soon |