1- Biodiversity-Ecosystem function relationships in pitcher plant metacommunities |
Using field sampling and manipulative experiments and natural variation in pitcher plant microbial diversity, we are exploring the degradative functioning of bacterial communities. This work is particularly geared towards revealing the role of dispersal on biodiversity -ecosystem function relationships. Funded by NSF CAREER grant (NSF2046214).
2- Microbial ecology of conservation: Astragalus applegatei 's mycorrhizae |
In collaboration with Dr. Kerry Byrne (Department of Environmental science and management, HSU), we are investigating whether soil microorganisms can improve the success of populations of an endangered plant. Funded by Oregon Department of Agriculture and US Fish and Wildlife.
3- Microbial ecology of constructed marshes, bays and estuaries |
We are interested in the role of microbial assembly in removing water pollutants from wastewater treatment marshes and their impact on bays and estuary ecosystems. In collaboration with Dr. Bob Gearheart (AMRI) and Sandrine Thompson (Chilkat Indian Village).
4- Anemone microbiome ecology, biogeography and host-microbe adaptations |
In collaboration with Dr. Will Ryan (Townson University) and Dr. Stacy Krueger-Hadfield (The University of Alabama at Birmingham). We are studying the variation in microbial communities of a wide spread invasive anemone. We are interested in the role of local conditions, host's reproductive status and population genetics in driving microbial community assembly.